Velvet Acid Christ
Between the Eyes Volume 2
CD (2004) · SALE! $8.98
Also available: Digital · Between The Eyes Volume 2
In under a year's time, Velvet Acid Christ has released the Pretty Toy single, Hex Angel (Utopia/Dystopia), and Between the Eyes Volume 1. To continue the successes of these releases, and to add onto the retrospect collection, VAC is ready to release Between the Eyes Volume 2. Featuring a lucky number of thirteen tracks, Between the Eyes Volume 2 further delves into the past of this highly prolific one-man band. Several tracks were taken from early demo tapes as well as the Church of Acid album which help to give a full representation of where Velvet Acid Christ first began his musical career. Additionally, Between the Eyes Volume 2 will replace the soon to be out of print Church of Acid. A must have for fans and newcomers alike. On Metropolis.Track List
01. Hell One02. Hell Two
03. Dark Lights
04. Pain
05. Falling Snow
06. Mental Depression
07. Rain for 27 Days
08. Killing Me
09. We Have to See, We Have to Know
10. Serial Killer 101
11. Decent to Darkness
12. Hail to the Dead Souls
13. I'm Gonna Wrap Myself in Your Intestines