Metropolis Records

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Clan Of Xymox


CD (2024) · $14.00   add to cart Listen & Buy on Bandcamp

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Vinyl $28.00

Over its four-decade career, Clan of Xymox has become one of the most influential groups in the worlds of darkwave & goth. Exodus, the bands 18th album, is among the band's darkest & most despondent. Exodus feels as if songwriter Ronny Moorings has taken stock of the times in which we live, and channels all his grief, his anger, and his world-weariness into a beautifully dark, danceable work of art.

Track List

01. Save Our Souls
02. Fear For A World At War
03. The Afterglow
04. I Can See Miles Across
05. We Are Who We Are
06. Blood of Christ
07. X-Odus
08. Arcanus
09. I Always Feel The Same
10. Once Upon A Time