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CD (2007) · $12.98
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Rarely does a band's music mirror their image. Client's Heartland is an exception to that statement. It completely shatters the mirror and the music becomes synonymous with the portrayal of the band's image. A sultry, sexy electro pop trio needs a sultry, sexy electro pop album, and Heartland is just that. Teasing beats, grooving melodies, fishnet hooks, and sweet seducing vocals thoroughly describe Client and Heartland to a T. Rock and electronic DJs are going to be hard pressed to find just one dance floor track, for the whole album is laden with them. From the happy Drive to bouncy Lights Go Out to the rocking Zerox Machine and the 60's go-go-esque 6 In The Morning, Client have covered all of the bases to make sure they aren't thought of as just another pretty face. Client is a diverse electro pop band who knows how to rock it!Track List
01. Heartland02. Drive
03. Lights Go Out
04. It's Not Over
05. Zerox Machine
06. Some One To Hurt
07. 6 In The Morning
08. Where's The Rock And Roll
09. Koln
10. Monkey On My Back
11. Get Your Man
12. Heartland Reprise