Ego Likeness
When The Wolves Return
CD (2015) · $12.98
Also available: Digital
Ego Likeness, the long running musical project of artist Steven Archer and writer Donna Lynch, presents the long awaited new album When The Wolves Return. The duo blends powerful female vocals with elements of electronica, darkwave, trip hop, and rock. In the time between Breedless and When The Wolves Return, Donna and Steven faced a series of personal battles sickness. Deaths. Personal demons. The couple found themselves in dark places. The resultant years of struggle tribulations, and eventual triumph are all represented in When The Wolves Return As Donna says, You will hear all of this on it. Not in specific words, but it's all there, in metaphor. It is the hardest thing I've had to write yet, lyrically. The album is, at its core, an artistic act of emotional self-evisceration. It is the product of pain felt and caused. Of suffering and loss and chaos and desperation. It is a confessional; it is words and sounds that have come from fighting back, and from the growth to understand that the Wolves are still out there. The album is beautiful and it is at times heart shattering. It is also a glorious testament to survival and strength.Track List
01. Leave A Light On, Thomas02. Darkness
03. En Rouge
04. New Legion
05. Oracle
06. Mercy
07. I Let You
08. Crossed
09. Persona Non Grata
10. Treacherous Thing
11. Someday
12. When The Wolves Return