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Doubting Thomas

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Before there was Download, the electronic wizards cEvin Key and the late Dwayne Goettel took time off from their work as the driving forces behind Vancouver's Skinny Puppy to create their first non-canine project: Doubting Thomas.

Doubting Thomas only released two records, recording The Infidel and Father Don't Cry as the Puppy allowed between 1987 and 1990. Both records were released on Wax Trax in 1991, and their blend of danceable sequencer rhythms and flights of fancy were met with critical and public acclaim by fans everywhere.

As time went on, these records slowly disappeared, although the legendary work of these artists continued on. Skinny Puppy made its way into the 90s, fractured by the death of Goettel and the departure of Ogre, and was replaced by the creation of Download, a highly experimental project consisting of Key and a rotating roster of the industry's finest experimenters.

Now, with Key clearly recognized as the supreme entity of the industrial realm, Metropolis Records reissued the Doubting Thomas's EP, Father Don't Cry, with two unreleased tracks dating from the same recording sessions.