Dance Or Die
DIGITAL (2011)
Berlin-based Dark Electro legend Dance Or Die returns! On Nostradamnation, members Wagner and A.N.G.O. (joined by Chris L. from Agonoize live) combine dark atmospheres with massive beats, deep vocals, aggression and melody in the unique way that has become Dance Or Die's trademark. The group's sinister, dance floor-compatible visions of impending apocalypse stand out from the faceless crowd of bland carbon copies that make up the Electro scene. Nostradamnation marks the impressive return of a band that, in the Nineties, provided a link between the Gothic- and Electro-scenes like no other and whose unique fusion of styles left its distinct imprint on the club music of the time. Even now, two decades after the group's debut, Dance Or Die's sound is fresh, original and unmatched. Dance the Apocalypse, baby!Track List
01. Helios02. Nostradamnation
03. Northern Winter
04. Sleeping In Your Grave
05. Novus Ordo Seclorum
06. Tuatha Dé Danann
07. 4 3 2
08. Purgatory
09. Empty Heart
10. Mr. Armageddon
11. This Censored Innocence
12. Centropolis
13. W.T.E.O.T.C.
14. Hello To You Good Sense
15. Lo Boy Truck